Tag Archives: Nero

Taking this in a new direction.

Today I feel inspired to do something different. I know that people visit this blog for music purposes, hell I do that every morning when I wake up. Let’s go with the check down real quick:

-Wake up



-Brush Teeth

-Search for new music on the internetssss.

I digress. I am posting this to let you know that this is a blog by me, for you, BUT I am going to add a new personal element to my posts. This is a blog by ME after all so I figure I should tell you a little about myself as well as the music I have been digging lately.

Lately, I have noticed that I only listen to music that corresponds to my mood, thus this is the first post of a new era.

Your Challenge: Guess my mood.

N.E.R.D.- Hypnotize U

N.E.R.D.-Hypnotize U (Feat. Daft Punk) Nero Remix